Monday, December 26, 2011

goods on sale for now...

for those of you who love shopping and have always wanted something nice from me, my wannamake etsy shop is having a big old sale this week.  30% off of every single treat in the shop, until the new year:

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

production, post-production

Oh how embarrassing.  The last time I posted here I was in the middle of spring production, and now I am on the tail end of fall production.  From May to October of this last year, my life was taken over by a project I call Quilt Stories- an field work research adventure in traveling by car, popping a tent, and collecting stories across the country.  Of course there is ample documentation on the facebook, the flickr, and other places, but as winter sets in and the quilt stories I have collected simmer down into new forms, I will be writing here on some of the anthropological readings I have come across, as well as technique discoveries and rad contemporary quiltmakers that are out there in the art world.

In production news, I have learned to roll with the punches of kiln mishaps and imperfect things, and have come out with some new slip-cast forms that I am very excited about.  The jar family has grown, and pendants, decanters, gems, and a mystical tincture bottle join the collection.